What Are Dental Crowns And Why Are They Used?
Dental crown is a prosthetic device used over an existing
tooth or an implant and holds the shape and appearance of a natural tooth.
These prosthetic devices are used quite extensively in dentistry and are
considered a great solution for most cosmetic needs. Crowns are made up of a
metal material and coated using porcelain which is the best alternative to the
enamel appearance of natural teeth. Dental crowns restore the appearance of
natural teeth by ensuring that the crown looks like the other similar teeth in
the mouth. Crowns are mostly used for the teeth that help in the chewing
process. Since these set of teeth occupy more space compared to the teeth in
the front making crown placement easier over the existing tooth as a cap.
Why Are Crowns Used?
Crowns are used to cover an existing tooth that is terribly
decayed, or chipped off beyond coverage with a dental veneer. Generally a dentist
with suggest you a dental crown in Clifton NJ
if your teeth need to look good along with having to be protected from tooth
They are also used to close a tooth after a root canal
treatment from future bacterial attack.
Dental crowns are a vital need for implants that are placed
in the gum and the crowns provide a covering for the implants, without which
the implant is just a protrusion from the gum that is of no use unless it gets
covered with a crown. The crown restores functionality to the implant of a
natural tooth.
How Are Dental Crowns Made?
A dental crown will be prepared by a dentist by taking the
impression of the tooth properly. In this step the dentist will take an x-ray
of the teeth to assess the perfect shape and size, the roots, gum and bones
about to receive the crown. Then the next step involves creation of a mould for
the crown to be built in followed by pouring the crown material in the mould to
shape it. Once the crown has been made, the step after involves placement
procedure which will begin with first preparing the tooth.
In order to place a crown over an existing tooth, it is
essential for the dentist to first rub the original tooth, to resize it into a
very small one so the crown can sit over it and adhere its position carefully.
After preparing the tooth for crown placement, the dentist
will place the crown over the resized natural tooth and an adhesive is used to
stick the crown over the tooth and the gum which is strengthened with
ultraviolet rays.
Benefits Of Using Dental Crowns
There are several benefits of using crowns to the user, they
Crowns restore the perfect appearance of healthy
teeth along with the chewing and biting ability to the user
Crowns are perfect for covering old, slightly
chipped, broken or weak teeth and also works as a protective shield for them,
since the tooth/teeth get covered and are stopped from getting decayed or worn
out further. It is better to protect a tooth using dental crown rather than losing
it and replacing it with an implant which is quite an expensive and long procedure.
These help in covering up severely affected
teeth without the need of removing them.
Dental crowns are also used to cover implants
which are a replacement for natural missing teeth.
Precautions While Using A Crown
Although crowns can restore the look of a natural tooth in
time, it is very important that the user uses it with utmost care in order to
prolong the life of the crown and its porcelain covering. Now for the safety of
the crown, the user is not allowed to consume hard food like nuts, seeds, ice
or pretzels etc as they can chip off or break the covering of the crowns and
you will be left with an exposed metal.
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